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- Executive Order 12333
- United States Intelligence Activities
- December 4, 1981 Timely and accurate information about the activities,
- capabilities, plans, and intentions of foreign powers, organizations,
- and persons and their agents, is essential to the national security of
- the United States. All reasonable and lawful means must be used to
- ensure that the United States will receive the best intelligence
- available. For that purpose, by virtue of the authority vested in me by
- the Constitution and statutes of the United States of America, including
- the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and as President of the
- United States of America, in order to provide for the effective conduct
- of United States intelligence activities and the protection of
- constitutional rights, it is hereby ordered as follows:
- Part 1
- Goals, Direction, Duties and Responsibilities With Respect to the
- National Intelligence Effort
- 1.1 Goals. The United States intelligence effort shall provide the
- President and the National Security Council with the necessary
- information on which to base decisions concerning the conduct and
- development of foreign, defense and economic policy, and the protection
- of United States national interests from foreign security threats. All
- departments and agencies shall cooperate fully to fulfill this goal. (a)
- Maximum emphasis should be given to fostering analytical competition
- among appropriate elements of the Intelligence Community. (b) All
- means, consistent with applicable United States law and this Order, and
- with full consideration of the rights of United States persons, shall be
- used to develop intelligence information for the President and the
- National Security Council. A balanced approach between technical
- collection efforts and other means should be maintained and encouraged.
- (c) Special emphasis should be given to detecting and countering
- espionage and other threats and activities directed by foreign
- intelligence services against the United States Government, or United
- States corporations, establishments, or persons. (d) To the greatest
- extent possible consistent with applicable United States law and this
- Order, and with full consideration of the rights of United States
- persons, all agencies and departments should seek to ensure full and
- free exchange of information in order to derive maximum benefit from the
- United States intelligence effort.
- 1.2 The National Security Council.
- (a) Purpose. The National Security Council (NSC) was established by
- the National Security Act of 1947 to advise the President with respect
- to the integration of domestic, foreign and military policies relating
- to the national security. The NSC shall act as the highest Executive
- Branch entity that provides review of, guidance for and direction to the
- conduct of all national foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, and
- special activities, and attendant policies and programs. (b)
- Committees. The NSC shall establish such committees as may be necessary
- to carry out its functions and responsibilities under this Order. The
- NSC, or a committee established by it, shall consider and submit to the
- President a policy recommendation, including all dissents, on each
- special activity and shall review proposals for other sensitive
- intelligence operations.
- 1.3 National Foreign Intelligence Advisory Groups.
- (a) Establishment and Duties. The Director of Central Intelligence
- shall establish such boards, councils, or groups as required for the
- purpose of obtaining advice from within the Intelligence Community
- concerning: (1) Production, review and coordination of national foreign
- intelligence; (2) Priorities for the National Foreign Intelligence
- Program budget; (3) Interagency exchanges of foreign intelligence
- information; (4) Arrangements with foreign governments on intelligence
- matters; (5) Protection of intelligence sources and methods; (6)
- Activities of common concern; and (7) Such other matters as may be
- referred by the Director of Central Intelligence. (b) Membership.
- Advisory groups established pursuant to this section shall be chaired by
- the Director of Central Intelligence or his designated representative
- and shall consist of senior representatives from organizations within
- the Intelligence Community and from departments or agencies containing
- such organizations, as designated by the Director of Central
- Intelligence. Groups for consideration of substantive intelligence
- matters will include representatives of organizations involved in the
- collection, processing and analysis of intelligence. Al senior
- representative of the Secretary of Commerce, the Attorney General, the
- Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and the Office
- of the Secretary of Defense shall be invited to participate in any group
- which deals with other than substantive intelligence matters. 1.4 The
- Intelligence Community. The agencies within the Intelligence Community
- shall, in accordance with applicable United States law and with the
- other provisions of this Order, conduct intelligence activities
- necessary for the conduct of foreign relations and the protection of the
- national security of the United States, including: (a) Collection of
- information needed by the President, the National Security Council, the
- Secretaries of State and Defense, and other Executive Branch officials
- for the performance of their duties and responsibilities; (b)
- Production and dissemination of intelligence; (c) Collection of
- information concerning, and the conduct of activities to protect
- against, intelligence activities directed against the United States,
- international terrorist and international narcotics activities, and
- other hostile activities directed against the United States by foreign
- powers, organizations, persons, and their agents; (d) Special
- activities; (e) Administrative and support activities within the United
- States and abroad necessary for the performance of authorized
- activities; and (f) Such other intelligence activities as the President
- may direct from time to time. 1.5 Director of Central Intelligence. In
- order to discharge the duties and responsibilities prescribed by law,
- the Director of Central Intelligence shall be responsible directly to
- the President and the NSC and shall: (a) Act as the primary adviser to
- the President and the NSC on national foreign intelligence and provide
- the President and other officials in the Executive Branch with national
- foreign intelligence; (b) Develop such objectives and guidance for the
- Intelligence Community as will enhance capabilities for responding to
- expected future needs for national foreign intelligence; (c) Promote
- the development and maintenance of services of common concern by
- designated intelligence organizations on behalf of the Intelligence
- Community; (d) Ensure implementation of special activities; (e)
- Formulate policies concerning foreign intelligence and
- counterintelligence arrangements with foreign governments, coordinate
- foreign intelligence and counterintelligence relationships between
- agencies of the Intelligence Community and the intelligence or internal
- security services of foreign governments, and establish procedures
- governing the conduct of liaison by any department or agency with such
- services on narcotics activities; (f) Participate in the development of
- procedures approved by the Attorney General governing criminal narcotics
- intelligence activities abroad to ensure that these activities are
- consistent with foreign intelligence programs; (g) Ensure the
- establishment by the Intelligence Community of common security and
- access standards for managing and handling foreign intelligence systems,
- information, and products; (h) Ensure that programs are developed which
- protect intelligence sources, methods, and analytical procedures; (i)
- Establish uniform criteria for the determination of relative priorities
- for the transmission of critical national foreign intelligence, and
- advise the Secretary of Defense concerning the communications
- requirements of the Intelligence Community for the transmission of such
- intelligence; (j) Establish appropriate staffs, committees, or other
- advisory groups to assist in the execution of the Director's
- responsibilities; (k) Have full responsibility for production and
- dissemination of national foreign intelligence, and authority to levy
- analytic tasks on departmental intelligence production organizations, in
- consultation with those organizations, ensuring that appropriate
- mechanisms for competitive analysis are developed so that diverse points
- of view are considered fully and differences of judgment within the
- Intelligence Community are brought to the attention of national
- policymakers; (l) Ensure the timely exploitation and dissemination of
- data gathered by national foreign intelligence collection means, and
- ensure that the resulting intelligence is disseminated immediately to
- appropriate government entities and military commands;
- (m) Establish mechanisms which translate national foreign intelligence
- objectives and priorities approved by the NSC into specific guidance for
- the Intelligence Community, resolve conflicts in tasking priority,
- provide to departments and agencies having information collection
- capabilities that are not part of the National Foreign Intelligence
- Program advisory tasking concerning collection of national foreign
- intelligence, and provide for the development of plans and arrangements
- for transfer of required collection tasking authority to the Secretary
- of Defense when directed by the President; (n) Develop, with the advice
- of the program managers and departments and agencies concerned, the
- consolidated National Foreign Intelligence Program budget, and present
- it to the President and the Congress; (o) Review and approve all
- requests for reprogramming National Foreign Intelligence Program funds,
- in accordance with guidelines established by the Office of Management
- and Budget; (p) Monitor National Foreign Intelligence Program
- implementation, and, as necessary, conduct program and performance
- audits and evaluations; (q) Together with the Secretary of Defense,
- ensure that there is no unnecessary overlap between national foreign
- intelligence programs and Department of Defense intelligence programs
- consistent with the requirement to develop competitive analysis, and
- provide to and obtain from the Secretary of Defense all information
- necessary for this purpose; (r) In accordance with law and relevant
- procedures approved by the Attorney General under this Order, give the
- heads of the departments and agencies access to all intelligence,
- developed by the CIA or the staff elements of the Director of Central
- Intelligence, relevant to the national intelligence needs of the
- departments and agencies; and (s) Facilitate the use of national
- foreign intelligence products by Congress in a secure manner.
- 1.6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Heads of Executive Branch
- Departments and Agencies.
- (a) The heads of all Executive Branch departments and agencies shall,
- in accordance with law and relevant procedures approved by the Attorney
- General under this Order, give the Director of Central Intelligence
- access to all information relevant to the national intelligence needs of
- the United States, and shall give due consideration to the requests from
- the Director of Central Intelligence for appropriate support for
- Intelligence Community activities. (b) The heads of departments and
- agencies involved in the National Foreign Intelligence Program shall
- ensure timely development and submission to the Director of Central
- Intelligence by the program managers and heads of component activities
- of proposed national programs and budgets in the format designated by
- the Director of Central Intelligence, and shall also ensure that the
- Director of Central Intelligence is provided, in a timely and responsive
- manner, all information necessary to perform the Director's program and
- budget responsibilities. (c) The heads of departments and agencies
- involved in the National Foreign Intelligence Program may appeal to the
- President decisions by the Director of Central Intelligence on budget or
- reprogramming matters of the National Foreign Intelligence Program.
- 1.7 Senior Officials of the Intelligence Community. The heads of
- departments and agencies with organizations in the Intelligence
- Community or the heads of such organizations, as appropriate, shall: (a)
- Report to the Attorney General possible violations of federal criminal
- laws by employees and of specified federal criminal laws by any other
- person as provided in procedures agreed upon by the Attorney General and
- the head of the department or agency concerned, in a manner consistent
- with the protection of intelligence sources and methods, as specified in
- those procedures; (b) In any case involving serious or continuing
- breaches of security, recommend to the Attorney General that the case be
- referred to the FBI for further investigation; (c) Furnish the Director
- of Central Intelligence and the NSC, in accordance with applicable law
- and procedures approved by the Attorney General under this Order, the
- information required for the performance of their respective duties; (d)
- Report to the Intelligence Oversight Board, and keep the Director of
- Central Intelligence appropriately informed, concerning any intelligence
- activities of their organizations that they have reason to believe may
- be unlawful or contrary to Executive order or Presidential directive;
- (e) Protect intelligence and intelligence sources and methods from
- unauthorized disclosure consistent with guidance from the Director of
- Central Intelligence; (f) Disseminate intelligence to cooperating
- foreign governments under arrangements established or agreed to by the
- Director of Central Intelligence; (g) Participate in the development of
- procedures approved by the Attorney General governing production and
- dissemination of intelligence resulting from criminal narcotics
- intelligence activities abroad if their departments, agencies, or
- organizations have intelligence responsibilities for foreign or domestic
- narcotics production and trafficking; (h) Instruct their employees to
- cooperate fully with the Intelligence Oversight Board; and (i) Ensure
- that the Inspectors General and General Counsels for their organizations
- have access to any information necessary to perform their duties
- assigned by this Order. 1.8 The Central Intelligence Agency. All
- duties and responsibilities of the CIA shall be related to the
- intelligence functions set out below. As authorized by this Order; the
- National Security Act of 1947, as amended; the CIA Act of 1949, as
- amended; appropriate directives or other applicable law, the CIA shall:
- (a) Collect, produce and disseminate foreign intelligence and
- counterintelligence, including information not otherwise obtainable.
- The collection of foreign intelligence or counterintelligence within the
- United States shall be coordinated with the FBI as required by
- procedures agreed upon by the Director of Central Intelligence and the
- Attorney General; (b) Collect, produce and disseminate intelligence on
- foreign aspects of narcotics production and trafficking; (c) Conduct
- counterintelligence activities outside the United States and, without
- assuming or performing any internal security functions, conduct
- counterintelligence activities within the United States in coordination
- with the FBI as required by procedures agreed upon by the Director of
- Central Intelligence and the Attorney General; (d) Coordinate
- counterintelligence activities and the collection of information not
- otherwise obtainable when conducted outside the United States by other
- departments and agencies; (e) Conduct special activities approved by
- the President. No agency except the CIA (or the Armed Forces of the
- United States in time of war declared by Congress or during any period
- covered by a report from the President to the Congress under the War
- Powers Resolution (87 Stat. 855))* may conduct any special activity
- unless the President determines that another agency is more likely to
- achieve a particular objective; (f) Conduct services of common concern
- for the Intelligence Community as directed by the NSC; (g) Carry out or
- contract for research, development and procurement of technical systems
- and devices relating to authorized functions; (h) Protect the security
- of its installations, activities, information, property, and employees
- by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants,
- employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with
- the CIA as are necessary; and (i) Conduct such administrative and
- technical support activities within and outside the United States as are
- necessary to perform the functions described in sections (a) through (h)
- above, including procurement and essential cover and proprietary
- arrangements. 1.9 The Department of State. The Secretary of State
- shall: (a) Overtly collect information relevant to United States
- foreign policy concerns; (b) Produce and disseminate foreign
- intelligence relating to United States foreign policy as required for
- the execution of the Secretary's responsibilities; (c) Disseminate, as
- appropriate, reports received from United States diplomatic and consular
- posts; (d) Transmit reporting requirements of the Intelligence
- Community to the Chiefs of United States Missions abroad; and (e)
- Support Chiefs of Missions in discharging their statutory
- responsibilities for direction and coordination of mission activities.
- 1.10 The Department of the Treasury. The Secretary of the Treasury
- shall: (a) Overtly collect foreign financial and monetary information;
- (b) Participate with the Department of State in the overt collection of
- general foreign economic information; (c) Produce and disseminate
- foreign intelligence relating to United States economic policy as
- required for the execution of the Secretary's responsibilities; and (d)
- Conduct, through the United States Secret Service, activities to
- determine the existence and capability of surveillance equipment being
- used against the President of the United States, the Executive Office of
- the President, and, as authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury or
- the President, other Secret Service protectees and United States
- officials. No information shall be acquired intentionally through such
- activities except to protect against such surveillance, and those
- activities shall be conducted pursuant to procedures agreed upon by the
- Secretary of the Treasury and the Attorney General.
- 1.11 The Department of Defense. The Secretary of Defense shall: (a)
- Collect national foreign intelligence and be responsive to collection
- tasking by the Director of Central Intelligence; (b) Collect, produce
- and disseminate military and military-related foreign intelligence and
- counterintelligence as required for execution of the Secretary's
- responsibilities; (c) Conduct programs and missions necessary to
- fulfill national, departmental and tactical foreign intelligence
- requirements; (d) Conduct counterintelligence activities in support of
- Department of Defense components outside the United States in
- coordination with the CIA, and within the United States in coordination
- with the FBI pursuant to procedures agreed upon by the Secretary of
- Defense and the Attorney General; (e) Conduct, as the executive agent
- of the United States Government, signals intelligence and communications
- security activities, except as otherwise directed by the NSC; (f)
- Provide for the timely transmission of critical intelligence, as defined
- by the Director of Central Intelligence, within the United States
- Government; (g) Carry out or contract for research, development and
- procurement of technical systems and devices relating to authorized
- intelligence functions; (h) Protect the security of Department of
- Defense installations, activities, property, information, and employees
- by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants,
- employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with
- the Department of Defense as are necessary; (i) Establish and maintain
- military intelligence relationships and military intelligence exchange
- programs with selected cooperative foreign defense establishments and
- international organizations, and ensure that such relationships and
- programs are in accordance with policies formulated by the Director of
- Central Intelligence; (j) Direct, operate, control and provide fiscal
- management for the National Security Agency and for defense and military
- intelligence and national reconnaissance entities; and (k) Conduct such
- administrative and technical support activities within and outside the
- United States as are necessary to perform the functions described in
- sections (a) through (j) above. 1.12 Intelligence Components Utilized
- by the Secretary of Defense. In carrying out the responsibilities
- assigned in section 1.11, the Secretary of Defense is authorized to
- utilize the following: (a) Defense Intelligence Agency, whose
- responsibilities shall include; (1) Collection, production, or, through
- tasking and coordination, provision of military and military-related
- intelligence for the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
- other Defense components, and, as appropriate, non-Defense agencies; (2)
- Collection and provision of military intelligence for national foreign
- intelligence and counterintelligence products; (3) Coordination of all
- Department of Defense intelligence collection requirements; (4)
- Management of the Defense Attache system; and (5) Provision of foreign
- intelligence and counterintelligence staff support as directed by the
- Joint Chiefs of Staff. (b) National Security Agency, whose
- responsibilities shall include: (1) Establishment and operation of an
- effective unified organization for signals intelligence activities,
- except for the delegation of operational control over certain operations
- that are conducted through other elements of the Intelligence Community.
- No other department or agency may engage in signals intelligence
- activities except pursuant to a delegation by the Secretary of Defense;
- (2) Control of signals intelligence collection and processing
- activities, including assignment of resources to an appropriate agent
- for such periods and tasks as required for the direct support of
- military commanders; (3) Collection of signals intelligence information
- for national foreign intelligence purposes in accordance with guidance
- from the Director of Central Intelligence; (4) Processing of signals
- intelligence data for national foreign intelligence purposes in
- accordance with guidance from the Director of Central Intelligence; (5)
- Dissemination of signals intelligence information for national foreign
- intelligence purposes to authorized elements of the Government,
- including the military services, in accordance with guidance from the
- Director of Central Intelligence; (6) Collection, processing and
- dissemination of signals intelligence information for
- counterintelligence purposes; (7) Provision of signals intelligence
- support for the conduct of military operations in accordance with
- tasking, priorities, and standards of timeliness assigned by the
- Secretary of Defense. If provision of such support requires use of
- national collection systems, these systems will be tasked within
- existing guidance from the Director of Central Intelligence; (8)
- Executing the responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense as executive
- agent for the communications security of the United States Government;
- (9) Conduct of research and development to meet the needs of the United
- States for signals intelligence and communications security; (10)
- Protection of the security of its installations, activities, property,
- information, and employees by appropriate means, including such
- investigations of applicants, employees, contractors, and other persons
- with similar associations with the NSA as are necessary; (11)
- Prescribing, within its field of authorized operations, security
- regulations covering operating practices, including the transmission,
- handling and distribution of signals intelligence and communications
- security material within and among the elements under control of the
- Director of the NSA, and exercising the necessary supervisory control to
- ensure compliance with the regulations; (12) Conduct of foreign
- cryptologic liaison relationships, with liaison for intelligence
- purposes conducted in accordance with policies formulated by the
- Director of Central Intelligence; and (13) Conduct of such
- administrative and technical support activities within and outside the
- United States as are necessary to perform the functions described in
- sections (1) through (12) above, including procurement. (c) Offices for
- the collection of specialized intelligence through reconnaissance
- programs, whose responsibilities shall include: (1) Carrying out
- consolidated reconnaissance programs for specialized intelligence; (2)
- Responding to tasking in accordance with procedures established by the
- Director of Central Intelligence; and (3) Delegating authority to the
- various departments and agencies for research, development, procurement,
- and operation of designated means of collection. (d) The foreign
- intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Army, Navy, Air
- Force, and Marine Corps, whose responsibilities shall include: (1)
- Collection, production and dissemination of military and military-
- related foreign intelligence and counterintelligence, and information on
- the foreign aspects of narcotics production and trafficking. When
- collection is conducted in response to national foreign intelligence
- requirements, it will be conducted in accordance with guidance from the
- Director of Central Intelligence. Collection of national foreign
- intelligence, not otherwise obtainable, outside the United States shall
- be coordinated with the CIA, and such collection within the United
- States shall be coordinated with the FBI; (2) Conduct of
- counterintelligence activities outside the United States in coordination
- with the CIA, and within the United States in coordination with the FBI;
- and (3) Monitoring of the development, procurement and management of
- tactical intelligence systems and equipment and conducting related
- research, development, and test and evaluation activities. (e) Other
- offices within the Department of Defense appropriate for conduct of the
- intelligence missions and responsibilities assigned to the Secretary of
- Defense. If such other offices are used for intelligence purposes, the
- provisions of Part 2 of this Order shall apply to those offices when
- used for those purposes. 1.13 The Department of Energy. The Secretary
- of Energy shall: (a) Participate with the Department of State in
- overtly collecting information with respect to foreign energy matters;
- (b) Produce and disseminate foreign intelligence necessary for the
- Secretary's responsibilities; (c) Participate in formulating
- intelligence collection and analysis requirements where the special
- expert capability of the Department can contribute; and (d) Provide
- expert technical, analytical and research capability to other agencies
- within the Intelligence Community. 1.14 The Federal Bureau of
- Investigation. Under the supervision of the Attorney General and
- pursuant to such regulations as the Attorney General may establish, the
- Director of the FBI shall: (a) Within the United States conduct
- counterintelligence and coordinate counterintelligence activities of
- other agencies within the Intelligence Community. When a
- counterintelligence activity of the FBI involves military or civilian
- personnel of the Department of Defense, the FBI shall coordinate with
- the Department of Defense; (b) Conduct counterintelligence activities
- outside the United States in coordination with the CIA as required by
- procedures agreed upon by the Director of Central Intelligence and the
- Attorney General;
- (c) Conduct within the United States, when requested by officials of
- the Intelligence Community designated by the President, activities
- undertaken to collect foreign intelligence or support foreign
- intelligence collection requirements of other agencies within the
- Intelligence Community, or, when requested by the Director of the
- National Security Agency, to support the communications security
- activities of the United States Government; (d) Produce and disseminate
- foreign intelligence and counterintelligence; and (e) Carry out or
- contract for research, development and procurement of technical systems
- and devices relating to the functions authorized above.
- Part 2
- Conduct of Intelligence Activities
- 2.1 Need. Accurate and timely information about the capabilities,
- intentions and activities of foreign powers, organizations, or persons
- and their agents is essential to informed decisionmaking in the areas of
- national defense and foreign relations. Collection of such information
- is a priority objective and will be pursued in a vigorous, innovative
- and responsible manner that is consistent with the Constitution and
- applicable law and respectful of the principles upon which the United
- States was founded. 2.2 Purpose. This Order is intended to enhance
- human and technical collection techniques, especially those undertaken
- abroad, and the acquisition of significant foreign intelligence, as well
- as the detection and countering of international terrorist activities
- and espionage conducted by foreign powers. Set forth below are certain
- general principles that, in addition to and consistent with applicable
- laws, are intended to achieve the proper balance between the acquisition
- of essential information and protection of individual interests.
- Nothing in this Order shall be construed to apply to or interfere with
- any authorized civil or criminal law enforcement responsibility of any
- department or agency. 2.3 Collection of Information. Agencies within
- the Intelligence Community are authorized to collect, retain or
- disseminate information concerning United States persons only in
- accordance with procedures established by the head of the agency
- concerned and approved by the Attorney General, consistent with the
- authorities provided by Part 1 of this Order. Those procedures shall
- permit collection, retention and dissemination of the following types of
- information: (a) Information that is publicly available or collected
- with the consent of the person concerned; (b) Information constituting
- foreign intelligence or counterintelligence, including such information
- concerning corporations or other commercial organizations. Collection
- within the United States of foreign intelligence not otherwise
- obtainable shall be undertaken by the FBI or, when significant foreign
- intelligence is sought, by other authorized agencies of the Intelligence
- Community, provided that no foreign intelligence collection by such
- agencies may be undertaken for the purpose of acquiring information
- concerning the domestic activities of United States persons; (c)
- Information obtained in the course of a lawful foreign intelligence,
- counterintelligence, international narcotics or international terrorism
- investigation; (d) Information needed to protect the safety of any
- persons or organizations, including those who are targets, victims or
- hostages of international terrorist organizations; (e) Information
- needed to protect foreign intelligence or counterintelligence sources or
- methods from unauthorized disclosure. Collection within the United
- States shall be undertaken by the FBI except that other agencies of the
- Intelligence Community may also collect such information concerning
- present or former employees, present or former intelligence agency
- contractors or their present or former employees, or applicants for any
- such employment or contracting; (f) Information concerning persons who
- are reasonably believed to be potential sources or contacts for the
- purpose of determining their suitability or credibility; (g)
- Information arising out of a lawful personnel, physical or
- communications security investigation; (h) Information acquired by
- overhead reconnaissance not directed at specific United States persons;
- (i) Incidentally obtained information that may indicate involvement in
- activities that may violate federal, state, local or foreign laws; and
- (j) Information necessary for administrative purposes. In addition,
- agencies within the Intelligence Community may disseminate information,
- other than information derived from signals intelligence, to each
- appropriate agency within the Intelligence Community for purposes of
- allowing the recipient agency to determine whether the information is
- relevant to its responsibilities and can be retained by it. 2.4
- Collection Techniques. Agencies within the Intelligence Community shall
- use the least intrusive collection techniques feasible within the United
- States or directed against United States persons abroad. Agencies are
- not authorized to use such techniques as electronic surveillance,
- unconsented physical search, mail surveillance, physical surveillance,
- or monitoring devices unless they are in accordance with procedures
- established by the head of the agency concerned and approved by the
- Attorney General. Such procedures shall protect constitutional and
- other legal rights and limit use of such information to lawful
- governmental purposes. These procedures shall not authorize: (a) The
- CIA to engage in electronic surveillance within the United States except
- for the purpose of training, testing, or conducting countermeasures to
- hostile electronic surveillance; (b) Unconsented physical searches in
- the United States by agencies other than the FBI, except for: (1)
- Searches by counterintelligence elements of the military services
- directed against military personnel within the United States or abroad
- for intelligence purposes, when authorized by a military commander
- empowered to approve physical searches for law enforcement purposes,
- based upon a finding of probable cause to believe that such persons are
- acting as agents of foreign powers; and (2) Searches by CIA of personal
- property of non-United States persons lawfully in its possession. (c)
- Physical surveillance of a United States person in the United States by
- agencies other than the FBI, except for:
- (1) Physical surveillance of present or former employees, present or
- former intelligence agency contractors or their present of former
- employees, or applicants for any such employment or contracting; and (2)
- Physical surveillance of a military person employed by a nonintelligence
- element of a military service. (d) Physical surveillance of a United
- States person abroad to collect foreign intelligence, except to obtain
- significant information that cannot reasonably be acquired by other
- means. 2.5 Attorney General Approval. The Attorney General hereby is
- delegated the power to approve the use for intelligence purposes, within
- the United States or against a United States person abroad, of any
- technique for which a warrant would be required if undertaken for law
- enforcement purposes, provided that such techniques shall not be
- undertaken unless the Attorney General has determined in each case that
- there is probable cause to believe that the technique is directed
- against a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power. Electronic
- surveillance, as defined in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of
- 1978, shall be conducted in accordance with that Act, as well as this
- Order. 2.6 Assistance to Law Enforcement Authorities. Agencies within
- the Intelligence Community are authorized to: (a) Cooperate with
- appropriate law enforcement agencies for the purpose of protecting the
- employees, information, property and facilities of any agency within the
- Intelligence Community; (b) Unless otherwise precluded by law or this
- Order, participate in law enforcement activities to investigate or
- prevent clandestine intelligence activities by foreign powers, or
- international terrorist or narcotics activities; (c) Provide
- specialized equipment, technical knowledge, or assistance of expert
- personnel for use by any department or agency, or, when lives are
- endangered, to support local law enforcement agencies. Provision of
- assistance by expert personnel shall be approved in each case by the
- General Counsel of the providing agency; and (d) Render any other
- assistance and cooperation to law enforcement authorities not precluded
- by applicable law. 2.7 Contracting. Agencies within the Intelligence
- Community are authorized to enter into contracts or arrangements for the
- provision of goods or services with private companies or institutions in
- the United States and need not reveal the sponsorship of such contracts
- or arrangements for authorized intelligence purposes. Contracts or
- arrangements with academic institutions may be undertaken only with the
- contract of appropriate officials of the institution. 2.8 Consistency
- With Other Laws. Nothing in this Order shall be construed to authorize
- any activity in violation of the Constitution or statutes of the United
- States. 2.9 Undisclosed Participation in Organizations Within the
- United States. No one acting on behalf of agencies within the
- Intelligence Community may join or otherwise participate in any
- organization in the United States on behalf of any agency within the
- Intelligence Community without disclosing his intelligence affiliation
- to appropriate officials of the organization, except in accordance with
- procedures established by the head of the agency concerned and approved
- by the Attorney General. Such participation shall be authorized only if
- it is essential to achieving lawful purposes as determined by the agency
- head or designee. No such participation may be undertaken for the
- purpose of influencing the activity of the organization or its members
- except in cases where: (a) The participation is undertaken on behalf of
- the FBI in the course of a lawful investigation; or (b) The
- organization concerned is composed primarily of individuals who are not
- United States persons and is reasonably believed to be acting on behalf
- of a foreign power. 2.10 Human Experimentation. No agency within the
- Intelligence Community shall sponsor, contract for or conduct research
- on human subjects except in accordance with guidelines issued by the
- Department of Health and Human Services. The subject's informed consent
- shall be documented as required by those guidelines. 2.11 Prohibition
- on Assassination. No person employed by or acting on behalf of the
- United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in,
- assassination. 2.12 Indirect Participation. No agency of the
- Intelligence Community shall participate in or request any person to
- undertake activities forbidden by this Order.
- Part 3
- General Provisions
- 3.1 Congressional Oversight. The duties and responsibilities of the
- Director of Central Intelligence and the heads of other departments,
- agencies, and entities engaged in intelligence activities to cooperate
- with the Congress in the conduct of its responsibilities for oversight
- of intelligence activities shall be as provided in title 50, United
- States Code, section 413. The requirements of section 662 of the
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2422), and section
- 501 of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended (50 U.S.C. 413),
- shall apply to all special activities as defined in this Order. 3.2
- Implementation. The NSC, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney
- General, and the Director of Central Intelligence shall issue such
- appropriate directives and procedures as are necessary to implement this
- Order. Heads of agencies within the Intelligence Community shall issue
- appropriate supplementary directives and procedures consistent with this
- Order. The Attorney General shall provide a statement of reasons for
- not approving any procedures established by the head of an agency in the
- Intelligence Community other than the FBI. The National Security
- Council may establish procedures in instances where the agency head and
- the Attorney General are unable to reach agreement on other than
- constitutional or other legal grounds. 3.3 Procedures. Until the
- procedures required by this Order have been established, the activities
- herein authorized which require procedures shall be conducted in
- accordance with existing procedures or requirements established under
- Executive Order No. 12036. Procedures required by this Order shall be
- established as expeditiously as possible. All procedures promulgated
- pursuant to this Order shall be made available to the congressional
- intelligence committees. 3.4 Definitions. For the purposes of this
- Order, the following terms shall have these meanings: (a)
- Counterintelligence means information gathered and activities conducted
- to protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage,
- or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers,
- organizations or persons, or international terrorist activities, but not
- including personnel, physical, document or communications security
- programs. (b) Electronic surveillance means acquisitions of a nonpublic
- communication by electronic means without the consent of a person who is
- a party to an electronic communication or, in the case of a
- nonelectronic communication, without the consent of a person who is
- visably present at the place of communication, but not including the use
- of radio direction-finding equipment solely to determine the location of
- a transmitter. (c) Employee means a person employed by, assigned to or
- acting for an agency within the Intelligence Community. (d) Foreign
- intelligence means information relating to the capabilities, intentions
- and activities of foreign powers, organizations or persons, but not
- including counterintelligence except for information on international
- terrorist activities. (e) Intelligence activities means all activities
- that agencies within the Intelligence Community are authorized to
- conduct pursuant to this Order. (f) Intelligence Community and agencies
- within the Intelligence Community refer to the following agencies or
- organizations: (1) The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); (2) The
- National Security Agency (NSA); (3) The Defense Intelligence Agency
- (DIA); (4) The offices within the Department of Defense for the
- collection of specialized national foreign intelligence through
- reconnaissance programs; (5) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research of
- the Department of State; (6) The intelligence elements of the Army,
- Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the Federal Bureau of Investigation
- (FBI), the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Energy; and
- (7) The staff elements of the Director of Central Intelligence. (g)
- The National Foreign Intelligence Program includes the programs listed
- below, but its composition shall be subject to review by the National
- Security Council and modification by the President: (1) The programs of
- the CIA; (2) The Consolidated Cryptologic Program, the General Defense
- Intelligence Program, and the programs of the offices within the
- Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national foreign
- intelligence through reconnaissance, except such elements as the
- Director of Central Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense agree
- should be excluded; (3) Other programs of agencies within the
- Intelligence Community designated jointly by the Director of Central
- Intelligence and the head of the department or by the President as
- national foreign intelligence or counterintelligence activities; (4)
- Activities of the staff elements of the Director of Central
- Intelligence; (5) Activities to acquire the intelligence required for
- the planning and conduct of tactical operations by the United States
- military forces are not included in the National Foreign Intelligence
- Program. (h) Special activities means activities conducted in support
- of national foreign policy objectives abroad which are planned and
- executed so that the role of the United States Government is not
- apparent or acknowledged publicly, and functions in support of such
- activities, but which are not intended to influence United States
- political processes, public opinion, policies, or media and do not
- include diplomatic activities or the collection and production of
- intelligence or related support functions. (i) United States person
- means a United States citizen, an alien known by the intelligence agency
- concerned to be a permanent resident alien, an unincorporated
- association substantially composed of United States citizens or
- permanent resident aliens, or a corporation incorporated in the United
- States, except for a corporation directed and controlled by a foreign
- government or governments. 3.5 Purpose and Effect. This Order is
- intended to control and provide direction and guidance to the
- Intelligence Community. Nothing contained herein or in any procedures
- promulgated hereunder is intended to confer any substantive or
- procedural right or privilege on any person or organization. 3.6
- Revocation. Executive Order No. 12036 of January 24, 1978, as amended,
- entitled 'United States Intelligence Activities,' is revoked.